Thursday, January 20, 2011


Choosing which artist I was going to feature first was really hard.
However, after some deliberation I decided it would only make sense to feature the band CAKE since I shall be attending their concert in just a few weeks!
I first discovered CAKE because of my dear friend, Ariel.
She had gone out and bought one of their older albums, "Comfort Eagle" and started playing it every time we were in her car.
Shortly after that we had every single song memorized and would belt it out with the windows down.
I already loved them, but then to find out that they were from Sacramento, California was just amazing! (I lovvvvvvvve local artists).

CAKE is classified in the "Rock" genre however I would lean more towards alternative. Their lyrics are quite comical with almost always a hidden message about society. With song titles like, "Short Skirt, Long Jacket" (featured as the theme song for NBC's show, "Chuck") and "Commissioning a Symphony in C" they'll have you laughing, yet completely intrigued.

They just released their sixth album entitled "Showroom of Compassion" and it was to NO disappointment. It introduced fans to new catchy tunes, while maintaining their infamous "sound".

Some faves from the new album:
Federal Funding
Long Time
Sick of You

I'm adding the video to "Sick of You" at the bottom.
Check them out!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it:) I think this will be a fun outlet for should put up other maybe top 10's like etc. I will be an avid reader.
