Monday, February 7, 2011

Dustin Kensrue

Ohhhhh Dustin.
To put it simply... I love him.
Chelsey Davis was who told me about him (but she originally found him because of Betsy Slate so we'll give them both credit.)
Dustin Kensrue is in a Southern California rock band called Thrice but has also released some solo work.  After listening to some of Thrice's songs I couldn't BELIEVE that he was the same singer that I had fallen in love with. It just goes to show how great of an artist he is when he can sing for a rock band and then put out a bluesy/folk sounding solo project.
When I first looked him up I only had the song "Pistol" but after having it on repeat for a few weeks I decided to get the rest of the album. ("Please Come Home")
He has this raspy bluesy voice that's paired with Johnny Cash sounding melodies AND (as if that wasn't enough) he plays the harmonica.
Not only is he an incredible artist, but he stands up for what he believes in. He has bible verses tattooed on himself and many of his songs on his solo album are biblically based. His song "Please Come Home" is based on the story of the Prodigal Son (shout out to Andrea for figuring that one out for me.. hehe).
On top of ALL of this, he supports To Write Love On Her Arms. (A  nonprofit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for those struggling with clinical depressionaddictionself-injury and suicide.) 5% of the proceeds from his album "Please Come Home" go towards this cause. 
So, check him out and hopefully you will all fall in love with him like I have. 

"Pistol" Music Video

1 comment:

  1. DK- totally my man! I love him! And all that he stands for, but esp. Jesus and TWLOHA! Great pick this week!
    And thanks for the shout-out. I can't believe I introduced him to you. I feel awesome.
